Sunday, December 7, 2008

Still & Sparkling - My thoughts for you...

My thought bubbles are so flimsy, especially of late, that i have always wondered if i could ever get readers, any at all, to grip those. They are diaphanous, pure fizz and phut easily. So, there is a great deal of exposure to the readers to slide, without a feign of an hint, from what they think could be 'something' into pure, unadulterated nothing. Nevertheless, life runs on hope. Plus, like they say, glory follows guts. So, I shall be no exception to life's rules & let the world into my spin of events & people that make up my story. Okay, by world, i mean the fewer or more of those who get to read this shit! :) Mind you, 'shit' here, is NOT used in a derogatory fashion! I do not claim to enlighten anyone...but to just fill this space with my watery thoughts; sometimes still, sometimes sparkling; so that perhaps someday, somehow I could get someone, any one, to laugh. With me or at me. Then, I win. So, here i go..

1 comment:

Prometheus said...

I was elated when i saw you use the "s" word (you know the reason why!).Qualified yourself quickly though :) Very clever! Get going with a daily update! You know i would like it :)